How to reach us
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Public Transport
Walkenried is on the railway line Northeim – Herzberg – Nordhausen. Trains run every hour. From Walkenried railway station to the museum is a ten-minute walk.
There is a direct connection between Göttingen and Walkenried every two hours. Otherwise, you can easily change trains in Northeim.
The train timetable of Deutschen Bahn AG can be found here.
Alternatively, you can inform yourself here about the services of the Verkehrsverbund Süd-Niedersachsen, VSN (Transport Association of South Lower Saxony).
Car and coach
There is a large car park nearby the monastery.
There are two electric charging stations in the parking lot. A charging card can be borrowed (with a deposit) at the museum ticket counter.
GPS coordinates
Enter the following coordinates into your navigation system and it will guide you to our visitor car park:
51.581924, 10.620432